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Florida Gold Coast Gem & Mineral Society









Lapidary Workshop Classes:



The Florida Gold Coast Gem and Mineral Society offers the following classes.  To take the classes, you must be a club member. This is required for insurance purposes.

Lapidary Classes






Rock Hounding

Wire Wrapping

 How to Document”

Workshop Safety Plan(s)


Cabochon Cutting Class:


Learn the art of cabbing—shaping and polishing stones to be mounted in custom or pre-made jewelry settings. In this hands-on course, you will cut four stones over the course of four sessions (or however long it takes to complete your cabochons). The class fee is $100.00.


Course Overview:
• First Stone: Round or oval shape

Second Stone: Four-sided shape (square or rectangular)
• Third Stone: Template-based shape
• Fourth Stone: Freeform or abstract shape (customized to your preference; we’ll guide you based on your style)


What You’ll Learn:

·    Equipment use, maintenance and safety

·    Sawing, grinding, and polishing techniques

·    Stone safety and care

·    How to identify which stones work best for cutting and polishing


Throughout the course, you'll receive personalized instruction, and we also offer demonstrations at local gem and mineral shows.


Join Us Today!
Sign up now to start your cabbing journey. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, we’re here to help you bring your creative vision to life. Contact
Don Titman or Lucas Bush for cab class information


Various Laboradorite Cabochons

Rainforest Rhyolite – By Lucas Bush

Faceting Classes:

Faceting is the art of cutting and shaping gemstones so that light reflects and refracts off the facets, revealing their natural beauty. Once faceted, the stone can be mounted in your desired jewelry design. In this course, you will learn how to cut and polish a gemstone into a round brilliant cut, as well as how to evaluate and select faceting rough. These classes must be taken consecutively to ensure proper progression. Additionally, once the stone is set on the equipment it should not be moved, and you'll see why as you advance.


The cost is $300 per course, with 5 sessions (or however many it takes to complete your facet). Contact Steve Ackerman


Faceted Parasiolite  - By Ernest Ashurst

Wire Wrapping Classes:


Wire wrapping is a technique where wire is shaped around a polished stone to create a decorative setting that showcases the stone's beauty. Using basic hand tools and no soldering, this method is beginner-friendly and affordable for at-home crafting.

Course Fee: $75 (tentative), consisting of 2 sessions.


Various stones wire wrapped – By member Marlene Flores of Magical Intentions

Other Potential Classes:

At the Gem Society, our members work with a wide variety of materials to create unique jewelry pieces, including:

·                Pearls

·                Coral

·                Bone

·                Wood

·                Shells

·                Teeth

·                Fossils

Club members are welcome to bring in their own rough rocks or slabs to shape and polish using our club's lapidary tools. Alternatively, shop instructors may suggest certain rocks and minerals from our selection for beginners to start with.

Ready to join us? Start your class today by downloading the membership form here.
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